
Together We Can Overcome

Għeżież residenti ta’ l-Għarb u l-pubbliku nġenerali li qiegħed jiġi f’raħalna sabiex jinqeda ħall-bżonnijiet ta’ kuljum, napprezzaw jekk taqraw dawn il-pariri u żżommu ma’ dawn l-istruzzjonijiet:

1. Ilbsu il-maskla il-ħin kollu, possibilment anke meta tkunu fi djarkom;
2. Meta tmorru fl-ispiżeriji jekk jgħoġobkom, oqgħodu mal-ġenb tat-triq jew fuq il-bankina. Sakemm tkunu tistennew, żommu d-distanza ta’ mill-inqas metru minn ma’ xulxin;
3. Meta tmorru tixtru mingħand l-istationery, il-grocers, tal-laħam u tal-ħaxix, araw li l-ħanut ma jkunx iffullat. Prefibilment tmur persuna waħda biex jitnaqqas l-iffullar. Jekk taraw li hemm ħafna nies ġewwa, żommu kju fuq barra. Xħin taslu għall-ħlas, għall-inqas oqgħodu metru ‘il bogħod minn xulxin;
4. Aħslu ix-xirja lura id-dar għax ma tafux minn mess l-oġġetti qabilkom;
5. Inqdew sa fejn possibbli bit-take away u bis-servizz tad-delivery;
6. Użaw is-sanitizer kull ħin u kull mument speċjalment meta tkunu ser tmissu jew tużaw oġġetti minn wara ħaddieħor;
7. Evitaw li tiffrekwintaw postijiet pubbliċi għaliex ir-riskju li xi ħadd ikollu l-virus huwa kbir u jistgħu teħduha nthom ukoll;
8. Jekk jogħgobkom, għall-ġid tagħkom u tal-oħrajn, titkellmux fil-qrib ma’ xulxin. Żommu d-distanza biex titkellmu;
9. Inkomplu nesiġu li l-iġene hija l-aktar ħaġa mportanti bħalissa. Kemm jista’ jkun aħslu jdejkom u tmissux wiċċkom;
10. Il-postijiet pubblici bħall-playing fields u postijiet ta’ rikrejazzjoni pubblici fil-lokalita’ ser ikunu projbiti milli jkunu frekwentati;
11. Tarmux maskli disposable fit-triq u għinuna nżommu l-indafa;
12. Użaw is-servizzi tal-Kunsill billi ċċemplu (numru tat-telephone 21560556 huwa miftuħ 24 siegħa kuljum) jew permezz tal-email jew messenger tal-paġna tal-Kunsill;
13. Ħlasijiet fil-Kunsill isiru biss bil-card tal-bank;
14. Segwu l-paġna ta’ facebook tal-Kunsill Lokali l-Għarb, Kunsill Lokali – l-Għarb – Local Council għall-aktar aġġornamenti.
15. Jekk jogħġbkom kunu żguri li d-distanza soċjali tiġi osservata. 2 metri, 6 piedi.

Grazzi minn qalbna tal-koperazzjoni tagħkom. Ejjew flimkien inżommu l-komunita’ tagħna b’saħħitha. Is-saħħa ta’ l-oħrajn u tagħna nfusna tiġi l-ewwel. Ħeġġu lil xulxin u għamlu kuraġġ. Għad jiġi żmien aħjar bil-koperazzjoni ta’ kulħadd.

Dear Għarb residents and public in general that visits our locality to benefit from any service on a daily basis. We appreciate if you read these instructions and abide by them:

1. Wear a face mask at all times possibly also at your own home;
2. When visiting the pharmacy please stay by the side of the road and/or on the pavement. While waiting, please keep the distance of 1 metre from each other;
3. When you go shopping from the stationery, grocer, etc check that the shop will not be full of people. Preferably only one person per household should go so to avoid crowds. If so please stay outside in the queue. When paying also stay one metre apart from each other;
4. Clean your shopping items brought home since no one knows who touched them before;
5. Where possible use take away and delivery services;
6. Use sanitizer frequently especially when using or touching items after other persons;
7. Avoid going to public spaces because the risk of someone having the virus will be bigger thus you can get it aswell;
8. For your safety and others don’t talk in close proximity with each other please. Always keep the distance to talk;
9. We continue to urge and emphasize that hygiene is of utmost importance. Wash your hands thoroughly and don’t touch your faces;
10. Public places such as playing fields and other recreational areas will be closed;
11. Don’t dispose of face masks in the streets and help us keep clean;
12. Use the Council’s services by calling on 21560556 24 hour service or by email on or by the Council Facebook page messenger;
13. Payments at the Council should be paid by credit card;
14. Follow the Council’s facebook page, Kunsill Lokali – l-Gharb – Local Council for more updates.
15. Please ensure that social distancing is observed. 2 metres, 6 feet.

Thank for your cooperation. Let’s work together to keep our community strong. The health of others and of ourselves comes first. We encouraged each other and make courage. A better time is only guaranteed with the cooperation of everyone.

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