🇲🇹 ĊELEBRAZZJONI TAL-FESTA TAL-ARTI EFEMERA FIR-RABAT GHAWDEX organizzata mill- Kunsill Lokali – Gharb, l-Ministeru għal Għawdex u l-Assocjazzjoni Maltija EspressjonArti Gharb. Dan il-Festival tal-Arti Effimeri se jsir fir-Rabat Għawdex mit-28 ta’ April sal-1 ta’ Mejju 2023.
Għaxar gruppi min għaqdiet differenti se joħolqu twapet spettakolari tal-fjuri u materjali oħra naturali fi Triq Castel, ir-Rabat u Pjazza Indipendenza bit-tema “ir-rebbiegħa fl-Ewropa”.
🇬🇧 CELEBRATION OF THE GOZO’S EPHEMERAL ARTS FESTIVAL IN VICTORIA organised by the Gharb Local Council and the Ministry for Gozo and the Assocjazzioni Maltja EspressjonArti Gharb. This Ephemeral Arts Festival will take place in Victoria Gozo from April 28 to May 1, 2023.
Ten groups of carpet makers from different associations will create spectacular carpets of flowers and other natural materials on Castel Road, Victoria. with the theme “spring in Europe