
Community Services Day

🇲🇹 Attività bis-sehem tal-korpi dixxiplinati u ta’ emerġenza, f’Għawdex, il-Gozo Community Policing Team, il-LESA, l-AFM, il-Protezzjoni Ċivili, it-tim tal-emerġenza mill-Isptar Ġenerali t’Għawdex u kumpanija tas-servizz tat-telecare.
Diversi dimostrazzjonijiet mill-korpi preżenti. Dawk preżenti, speċjalment it-tfal, setgħu jidħlu fil-vetturi, jieħdu sehem fid-dimostrazzjoni tal-AED u jirkbu fuq iż-żwiemel tal-pulizija. Kien hemm ukoll demostrazzjoni tat-tifi tan-nar mal-każin tal-banda fil-pjazza. Din l-attività setgħet tkun possibbli biss bl-għajnuna tal-Ministru għal Għawdex, il-Perit Clint Camilleri, u bl-involviment tas-setturi involuti u n-nies tagħhom. Grazzi lill-Ministru Clint Camilleri tal-appoġġ u l-preżenza tiegħu tfisser ħafna għal-lokalità u r-residenti tagħna. Grazzi
🇬🇧 Activity with the participation of the disciplined and emergency bodies, in Gozo, the Gozo Community Policing Team, the LESA, the AFM, the Civil Protection, the emergency team from the Gozo General Hospital and a telecare service company.
Various demonstrations by the present bodies. Those present, especially children, were able to get into the vehicles, take part in the AED demonstration and ride the police horses. There was also a firefight demonstration with the band club in the square. This activity could only be possible with the help of the Minister for Gozo, Perit Clint Camilleri , and with the involvement of the sectors involved and their people. Thanks to Minister Clint Camilleri for his support and presence means a lot to our locality and residents. Thanks

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