
Carnival 2022

🇬🇧Gharb Carnival – 22nd May, 2022 10.30am – 12.00pm
Gharb Carnival will be held with a difference since it will be held in May. The summer weather will encourage the public to attend and it is an event for free. This event, on a Sunday morning will include performances by Gozitan groups with the participation of young children and adults and Carnival floats. It will be held at Pjazzja taz-Zjara tal-Madonna with the view of the beautiful baroque church. The audience will be entertained by the performances of local artists and music of all types.
🇲🇹 Karnival fl-Għarb – 22 ta’ Mejju, 2022 10.30am – 12.00pm
Il-Karnival fl-Għarb ser isir b’differenza peress li se jsir f’Mejju. It-temp sajfi jħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku biex jattendi għal din l-attivita’ bla ħlas. Din l-attivita’, l-Ħadd filgħodu se tinkludi esebizzjonijiet minn gruppi Għawdxin bil-parteċipazzjoniji ta’ tfal u adulti kif ukoll karrijiet tal-karnival. Din se ssir fi Pjazza taż-Żjara tal-Madonna bil-veduta tal-knisja barokka. L-udejnza ser jingħataw divertiment mill-isbaħ minn artisti lokali kif ukoll mużika ta’ kull tip.
Thanks to the Minister for Gozo Clint Camilleri and Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry for Gozo

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