MLT Il-Kunsill Lokali Għarb, b’kollaborazzjoni mad-Direttorat għall-Wirt Kulturali fi ħdan il-Ministeru għal Għawdex, se jorganizzaw it-tielet edizzjoni tal-Kite & Wind Festival nhar is-Sibt, 24 u l-Ħadd, 25 ta’ Ottubru 2020 bejn id-9.00 u s-19.00. Din l-edizzjoni ser tiġi organizzata b’differenza bis-sistema “Drive Through”.
Il-festival se jsir taħt id-direttivi tad-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa.
Nirrakkomandaw żjara ta’ 30 minuta biex tgawdu sema blu mimli tajr.
Huwa obbligatorju li tintlibes il-maskra l-ħin kollu waqt iż-żjara u li ssegwu l-istruzzjonijiet mogħtija mill-persuni ta’ sorveljanza.
ENG The Għarb Local Council with the collaboration of the Cultural Heritage Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo, is organizing the third edition of the Kite and Wind Festival on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October between 9.00 and 19.00. This Edition is being organised with a difference through a Drive-Through system.
This festival is being held under the Health Department procedures.
You will have a 30 minute visit while admiring an amazing view of the blue sky full of colorful kites.
It is obligatory to wear a face mask at all times during this visit and to follow the instructions given by the persons in charge.